
Second guessing

I keep telling myself I did the right thing.
But I'm not sure.
I keep telling myself that she will thank us in the end.
But I feel bad.

I took Haley yesterday to get her new expanders at the dentist.
They are like retainers, but a little more complex.
So complex that they are widening her pallet and moving her entire jaw all at the same time.
Oh, and they are straightening her teeth. And correcting her bite.
But to get all of that done, she has a mouth full of wires and plastic.

It's very sad.
The most outgoing girl I know is now reduced to mumbling and having this pitiful, awkward look on her face. She tries to smile but she just looks like she is wanting to tell the world to shove it.

I understand that eventually she will get used to her new mouth.
That what we are doing is best for her long term.
We are saving her from having to have major braces in middle school.
But it's hard to watch my sweet girl not only deal with pain, but also her new appearance and altered speech.

But I will pray for her. And I will do all I can to make her comfortable.
And I have promised her a special gift for enduring those stinkin' retainers.
So hopefully it will all be ok. Hopefully.


  1. Don't beat yourself up. I am learning right now that just because it's hard, doesn't mean you aren't supposed to do it. She will survive this, and so will you. And knowing your girl, yes, she will thank you for it and appreciate you doing the hard things.

  2. She will be ok. It'll get better. I went through the same treatment at a young age and I'm so grateful to my Mom for it! Soon she'll have a million dollar smile!

  3. Oh my sweet favorite ten year old. Hate this. I will take her to do something special soon.
