
Raisin' the Roof

Not really.
We are actually talking about lowering it!
If you haven't visited our house, let me give you a little background.
We have one of those houses that was built when 2 story family rooms were all the rave. (You can see a picture of it at Christmas above)
And I have to admit, when I first walked into the model house that had our floor plan I loved it!
What a nice open family room.
And flash forward to now, my opinion has changed a little about that room.
Basically, it's cold in the winter, hot in the summer.
The walls are not painted because we can't get to them to paint 24' in the air.
There is limited decorating because the walls are so big that most artwork is too small.
And I can't stand looking up and seeing cobwebs in the corners that I can't get to.
So I am not super thrilled about our family room.
That's where Evan comes in.
He decided that we should just make the family room into a one story room and add a media/bonus type room above it.
Oh good grief- that to me sounds like building a new house.
Why not just build a new house?
I know, I know. You all agree with Evan. Now's not the time to try and sell a house.
I understand.
I'm just scared of the possibility of having real live major construction going on around us.
Like windows being taken out and new walls and floors being built and construction dust.
Yikes- construction dust!
But for some reason, this is a dream of Evan's. And he doesn't really ever get that fixed on projects and he's fixed on this one.
So I guess we'll see what comes of this dream.
Right now we are still in the design/ costing phase with a builder.
It's taking a lot longer than we expected, so I'm thinking the cost will be insane.
But we'll see and of course I will keep you up to date.
And in the event that we decide not to remodel, I am going to present Evan with two alternatives.
1. We use the remodel money to buy the Cadillac I have wanted for so long and we'll jusy drive around and cuss our two story family room -OR-
2. We put the house on the market, sell it whenever and we're moving to a farm house in South Coweta County where I will finally have the cows I've always wanted.
A girl can dream can't she?

1 comment:

  1. My brother's old house was the same way w/ the giant family room and I thought the exact same thing about it - huge and spacious and fancy looking at first and then after a while it was "gosh that's a buttload of wasted space".

    I like your Cadillac idea. I have this same dream, yet I'm still driving around in my 13 year old Pathfinder with a big dent in the side. She just keeps going and going. Not the nicest thing to look at, but darn it, she's paid for, and has been the most reliable car I've ever owned!
