
4 Years

4 years ago today we moved into our house.
It is a really great house.
The location and proximity to everything is perfect.
And it's great for having people over.
Many big events have occurred at our house.
And that's why we bought it, to share with others.

So I wonder, what will the next 4 years bring for us and this house?
Ironically, today Evan is meeting with a builder about making some changes to the house.
I tried to convince him we might should just move and save ourselves the hassle.
But he loves this house so much that he's willing to take on a major project in order to stay put.

So Happy 4th Birthday to our house, our home!
We are blessed to have you to keep us warm and dry.

1 comment:

  1. Hey look at it this way - you couldn't move if you wanted to nowadays... No way you could get out from under the house unless you bought it outright and can afford to sell it for a loss :(. Might as well enjoy the heck out of it and tweak it as needed!
