
Exploding ankles

In my last post I shared all about my recent digestive health issues.
In this post, I will tell you about how my doctor almost killed me trying to fix said issues.
She gave me 2 antibiotics. Two very strong antibiotics.
And they basically killed every good bacteira in my body.
And it seems as though I am also allergic to at least one of them.
So where do I stand?
My ankles and hands and face and midsection are swollen. Think stay-puff-marshmallow-man.
I'm itching to death and my guts hurt worse.
So on the recommendation of the pharmacist since I couldn't get the doctor after hours, I have abandoned all medicines.
And of course I now have to go for an appointment to come up with another plan of attack.
But I guess I'm just thankful I have a doctor and insurance and the luxury of having healthcare.
And I feel certain I will know at some point what my problem is.
Right now it's all just a pain in the butt- literally.

1 comment:

  1. oh, what a bummer! i feel your pain...i have been struggling with hives for over a year and am currently covered in them. all because i was getting sick and took an Airborne. turns out they have not one, but two artificial sweeteners in them which is what i am allergic to. i'm swollen and blotchy too, so at least we are in it together. misery loves company!
