
Extreme Makeover Playroom Edition

We are almost finished with our kid's playroom makeover. Literally I thought it would never get done.

We are super busy and barely have time to clean much less makeover a room.

But this weekend was an unusual weekend in that we had nothing but T-ball planned.

So we did the responsible thing and used this time to complete the project and to also give our house a good cleaning. Time well spent I must say.

As of yesterday, the only thing missing in the playroom is a TV. This is a hard purchase for us to make. Here's why- our kids are spoiled. Yep, rotten. And we have done that to them. And they expect nice things. So when the conversation came up about getting them a "nice" TV for the playroom, they were giddy. Giddy with greed that I don't like. But here's the deal:

We can't use the TV that is currently in there because we purchased a really awesome storage unit thing that is too narrow for a big ole tube TV to sit on. Thus, our only feasible option is a flat screen.

We have found some good deals on flat screens around town, but the committing to the purchase part of we the parents is hard. Should we really spend $200+ on a new TV for our kids after we just spent a butt load on redoing the room?

I don't know that answer.

I do know that I am contemplating a no TV time in our house where the kids can go into the awesome new room and simply play like kids are supposed to play. And depending on how much griping and complaining happens, maybe eventually we will buy the TV as a gift.

The gift part of the TV is simple since their birthdays are a month apart and in the summer. I'm thinking we tell them that as a joint birthday gift, they can have a small TV.

I don't know, is that the solution? I'm don't claim to be great at this parenting thing.

But I do admit to making them the kids they are today. The one's that expect nice things. I won't say I am totally wrong in doing so. And I think I have two really great kids.

But I do wish they understood a little more that life is not as easy as it seems. That money does not just show up.

And all of this is to say that we have our playroom almost done. Just not completely. So here it is:

Here is a not quality picture of the paint color. It's called Cement Gray by Martha Stewart. I'm not a big gray fan, but this I can live with.

And as you can see, we added a futon type couch to the room. Our kids are always sitting on the floor and we thought it would be nice to have somewhere for them to sit and relax. And it folds down into a bed so if we have to have a place for someone to sleep, here it is. Not to mention it will be great for sleepovers.

Here is Haley testing out the sleeping function.

If you look above the couch, you will see the inspirational artwork.

It's a map of the US made out of license plates. Hard to see here I know.

But the long term idea is to hang a series of license plates around this picture.

The picture itself is just a little small, but we are searching for the plates to go with it.

And why license plates you ask? Because Haley loves to play the game in the car where you find tags on cars from other states. And she has become fascinated with tags from all over the US, so the art seemed perfect. And it's gender neutral which is very hard to find. And since we have a boy and a girl, we needed something appropriate. tada.

And this is the storage unit we purchased at Target in hopes of keeping all of the toys and stuff neat and organized. We'll see how that goes, but so far I am loving it.

The low portion in the middle is where said TV will reside when it gets purchased.

And finally, here's the hottie that spent his entire Saturday with me making this room happen.

I can't wait to show you the finished finished product. When all of the parts come together.



I haven't been around much lately I know.
I've spent the last few weeks adjusting to my new job.
It's been good, but fairly taxing so there isn't much left of me when I get home, so blogging has dropped a little on the priority list.
I'm sure as soon as I get comfortable with my new gig I'll gain back some time, so be patient.
As for now, I'll leave you with two things I learned today:
1. You can in fact make a grown man cry if you share a Jesus story with him, and
2. There are people in this world that spend way too much time trying to make those around them miserable. And I love that kind of person. Because I will in fact make sure they fail.


I can see the finish line

In the midst of a new job and a hectic week, I managed to lose a significant amount of weight this week. I imagine I lost most of it because if some crazy stomach issue I'm having. The one that makes me not want to eat anything. Not sure why I have this issue. But trust me when I say I've googled "loss of appetite" and nothing good comes up.
Really I think I should just google "has a digestive tract that hates me" and follow the directions where it tells me to go to the GI doctor and have them tell me I should just live with it.
Anyway, back to the weight loss: -2.4 lbs. this week. That puts my total loss at 36.8 lbs! That is a mere 3.2 lbs. from my goal of 40 lbs!
I am super excited about being so close to a goal that I never thought I would attain. But I've almost done it, and I am finally happy with my new appearance. I'm starting to see a smaller me. I'm starting to appreciate the fruit of my labors.
Really, it all seems like a dream. Because I didn't believe I could do it and I almost have.


Irons in the Fire

Because I don't have enough stuff already going on in my life, I thought I'd start a little project.
Actually, I was totally inspired by my blogging friend Keight and her daughter's nursery redo project. She's a real go-getter and I dream but hardly ever act as quickly as I should. So thanks Keight for being the wind beneath my wings (you know- like Bette Midler).
For years now, I have stared at a pea green mess that is my kids playroom. It's not terrible, it's just bright and chipper and a little too baby-like for my kids at this point. Plus it has a border of frogs and flowers that pretty much makes me want to gag.

But I've never wanted to do anything with the playroom since I don't spend a whole lot of time in there and it doesn't bother my kids. But after being up there recently and trying to purge the mounds of old toys, I decided it was time to give the room a complete overhaul.

I spent a few hours last week looking for inspiration to no avail.
And I reported back to the hubby that I couldn't come up with anything that I didn't hate.
At which point Haley reminded both of us about a piece of artwork she saw at Target.
My kinda kid- a cheap decorator.

The art is simple. Slightly trendy and not at all childish. But also not unreasonable for a 5 and 10 year old. So we went with that.
I'm not going to show the piece until the great unveil which very well may be 10 years from now.
But it's a project that has begun.
And here's a peek at where it all started-


To answer your questions

I will be vague in this post, but feel free to let me know if you want to know more about my new future in person. I would love to talk about it with anyone as I am so excited about it.

I have accepted a new job starting tomorrow. It's a really great job. The kind of job I've always wanted. And it's with a really great company and also happens to be in the construction industry where I have longed to return to.
The timing of this change was dictated by God above. It came at a time when we had clear answers about Evan's health and we finally had true peace about our future as a family.
It has all truly been a gift from God.

So there won't be any more posts about work on here of course as I will keep that part of my life out of the blogging public. But I will leave you with the knowledge that this opportunity is a super good thing and I am over-the-moon excited.

And from now on you'll have to endure my posts about kids and sewing and trying to cook and stuff.



My only thought for today is that I hope I can always be a source of encouragement for others.
I have found that in the few weeks leading up to my new job there are many people I am surrounded by that don't really care to encourage me.
In fact, they want to point out all of my mistakes and the issues with my change.
And of course there are those that have smothered me with love.
For those of you in the second group- thank you and it is greatly appreciated.
For those of you in the first group- you might not agree with my decision to pursue a career, but I don't ask you to agree. I just ask that if you don't, you stop reminding me of that.
I'm pretty much like a rebellious teenager at this point. I will succeed in spite of your desire for me not to.
I have a wicked drive about me and you're only fueling my fire.
And plus, don't forget Phillipians 4:13, my verse to live by.
I feel certain the prayers I have sent up to God have not gone unheard about my decision to take on this new job. And I can do it because I've already asked for help.
So wish me luck. Or better yet, say a quick prayer for me and also don't forget to thank God for allowing me to live out a dream.