
My Favorite Coworker

This is Sally.
She works with me.
And by works, I mean she sits in my office and provides moral support.
She's a pretty awesome dog.
Very friendly. Easy going and low maintenance.
And she also loves to play ball in the parking lot and she helps me eat my lunch.

The greatest thing about Sally at work is that she does not talk.
So I don't have to hear about UGA football (not that there is anything to talk about there).
And I don't have to hear her complain like I have to hear the men in my office complain.
And I can complain to Sally about the men here and she just gives me her big eyed glare.

Oh, and I don't have to take Sally home with me, so I get the enjoyment of a dog without all the hassle.

So Sally is my favorite coworker.

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